
2025年01月10日 xunxun 阅读(13)


The big thing – the most obvious sign of her behind-the-scrim life – was that she didn';t like boys. That is, she was indifferent to our giggle and babble about who was ";sharp"; or";fine"; or who ";liked"; whom. She made no contribution to such talk. Very grown up。



意思:空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻。


Space的意思 Space是一个英语词汇,具有多种含义。 作为名词时,Space的主要含义是“空间”。这个词汇可以用来描述物理上的距离或场所,如宇宙空间、房间等。例如,在谈论卫星轨道或太空探索时,我们经常使用“space”这个词。

n. 空间[U]The table takes up a lot of space.这张桌子占去很多地方。 宇宙,太空,外层空间[U][E]We witnessed a missile being launched into outer space.我们目睹一枚导弹向外太空发射。

space作空间的意思时,是不可数名字;表示 空隙、空白的时候是可数名词。


意思:空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻。


(All) Good morning everyone!(Miss) I Miss ~(Johnston) Johnston ~ are my (Miss) I am glad that my school friends to visit the United States, let us warmly applauded to express their heartfelt welcome and our sincere regards!(Johnston) Today。

My l4-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat simultaneously. It was hanging on a rack at a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass, crammed in with shoddy trench coats and an assortment of sad。

they showed no surprise. They knew we would always fall down, drop things,be ruined, and forget. And that it was possible to lose your mind. She too seemed aware of our haplessness。


:选sound 全句翻译:高达德发明了第一个速度超过音速的火箭。 物比物就行,than前面的rocket就没有谓语,后面的sound也不需要谓语。

in the Athens Olympics in 2004 on behalf of the Chinese men';s basketball, and will enter the last eight. Yao Ming is the Chinese pride, the ones that let us hope for his development are better and better!参考资料:Dr.eye 较准确翻译,如果有误。

1同意某人的意见 agree with .1与…谈话 talk to/with .1使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth.1在上小学 be in primary school 1住在一间公寓 live in an apartment 1乘坐火箭到月球 go to the moon by rocket 1爱上… love 1独自居住 live alone 2能够做某事 。


最强大的情景创造更新还活着!现在你可以通过国家的杀手机器人踩踏事件,有僵尸,自发的爆炸,或者只是把格陵兰整个人口在火箭和送他们到月球!唯一的限制是你的想象力(和脚本技能:P)。事件增加了大量实验室脚本/ MOD选项在所有其他的实验室,你已经可以使用。

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